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Build Muscle / Fastest Way To Gain Muscle For Men

Fastest Way To Gain Muscle For Men


Fastest Way To Gain Muscle

Your body is designed and hardwired to put on muscle and burn fat. All you have to do is follow the steps and your body has to build lean muscle. There are 3 things to keep in mind when trying to gain muscle fast: Eating enough, Training enough, and Sleeping enough.

Eating enough is the fastest way to gain muscle

One of the most common problems you see in gym-goers today is not eating enough. You know the guys, the ones that look the same every single month. They are not feeding their body what it needs to grow. It's like pimping out your car without even putting gas in it!

You need about 1 gram of protein/pound of body weight in order to build muscle mass. You also need carbohydrates to fuel your body. Aim for 400 grams carbohydrates a day when bulking. Also, try to consume good fats such as peanut or almond butter. A great way to get your calories in is a modified protein shake. Here's my own recipe:

1 cup of oats

4 tablespoons of peanut butter

1 banana

2 cups of white whole milk

2 cups of chocolate whole milk

1 serving protein powder

1 shake has 1830 calories, 83 grams of protein, over 200 good carbohydrates, and healthy fats your body needs! Simply combine all the ingredients in a blender for a really easy way to meet your daily macro-nutrient goals.

Training enough is crucial and one of the fastest ways to gain muscle

You have to really be in tune with your body to understand how to train effectively. If you are a beginner, you should train 3 days a week. If you are intermediate or advanced and have a training split, you have to know how to strategically position your rest days. This is important because it allows your body to get the recuperation it needs (which is actually when muscle is being created).

Recently, I noticed that my lifts were starting to go down in the gym. It was odd because I was eating enough good food to gain weight. Through having a mind-muscle connection I was able to stop and decide that the best thing would be to take a couple days off. It was this insight that allowed me to come back to the gym even stronger. More importantly, it allowed me to keep progressing.

Progression is the single-most important thing to building muscle. You can measure your progression by increasing weight while staying in the hypertrophy repetition range (8-12 reps). By viewing it this way, you can be positive that you have grown if you have also increased the weight used during a particular exercise.

Finally, getting enough sleep is mandatory when you find the fastest ways to gain muscle

Sleep is when your body is actually building itself back up after workouts. If you can dial in your training and nutrition with healthy sleep patterns, your gains will skyrocket. The key here is making sure to always listen to your body. If you try to follow a plan without tailoring it to your body, you will get worn down and stop progressing.

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