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Protein: Building Block Of The Human Body

Protein: Building Block Of The Human Body

Fitness Blender

THE HUMAN BODY NEEDS the regular intake of protein for a number of reasons. Protein helps to build new tissue cells, bone cells, and blood cells; consequently, it's needed in order to make antibodies necessary for fighting illnesses. It's needed to help keep the human heart and other organs healthy. Protein balances the body's energy and metabolism, keeping a natural and healthy BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. It also provides a vehicle for maintaining correct levels of glucose and; therefore, protein stems the tide of high sugar levels and type-2 diabetes. Finally, protein helps your body build and repair muscle.

The most helpful sources of protein include:

· Lean meats such as poultry and fish

· Ova-lacto sources such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and eggs

· Soy

· Protein powder

· Other sources include nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, and tofu


There are several signs indicating that the human body is deficient in protein. Many of them can be attributed to other causes, but don't rule out an improper intake of protein. Those include: loss of muscle and lean body tissue, muscular weakness, chronic pain, susceptibility to infections and impaired healing of wounds, digestive problems, dry skin, dry and brittle hair, brittle nails, and obesity. Mental factors include mood swings, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, and excessive worry. Many of these may have differing or several causes, but never rule out the improper protein intake as at least a contributing cause.


These rules of thumb may vary depending upon age, body type, and size, but generally these are accurate for the average individual. The average adult female needs 53 grams per day and the average adult male needs 63 grams per day. Now, four ounces of steak is about the size of a deck of cards and that size of steak contains 28 grams of protein. Two such serves would provide a woman with her necessary daily intake of protein. Another measure is to ensure that 15 to 30 percent of your daily intake of calories should be from protein. In other words, if you consume 3000 calories per day, approximately 450 to 900 calories should come from protein.


· Add nuts, seeds, and whey or soy powder to your hot oatmeal

· Add protein powder to pancakes or waffles

· Don't skip meals, if you're in a hurry, substitute a protein bar

· Add grilled fish or chicken to your salads

· Add beans and legumes or nuts and seeds to your salads

· Keep cans of tuna and sardines on hand for quick meal substitutes

· Plan your meals in advance when possible

Follow all this helpful information about protein and you'll be well on your way to building a healthy body and an active mind


6 Pet Peeves Of Gym Rats

6 Pet Peeves Of Gym Rats

Fitness Blender

With another New Year come all those new people in the gym who made the resolution to workout, to lose weight, or to get healthy. I don't mind new people in the gym, I really don't. I encourage anyone who wants to go to the gym to do so, to take classes, to eat right, to do whatever they feel they need to do to accomplish the goals they've set for themselves.

But, if you're going to go to the gym for one workout, or stay and really commit to your goals, please make sure you understand general gym etiquette. Some gyms require it, but most don't. It's just common courtesy whether this is your first time ever stepping foot in the gym (or a gym newbie) or you almost live there (lovingly donned the gym rat).

Here are a few of my personal pet peeves (and most anyone who frequents the gym) and easy ways to ensure that you aren't inadvertently pissing everyone off around you.

1) Wipe your equipment down!
This is one of the biggest ones. Some gyms require that everyone wipes their equipment down (and people still don't), some don't. I won't get into the types of things that are excreted through the sweat glands, nor will I discuss how many sweat glands a human has, or the chemical reaction of the sweat with the bacteria on the skin. Let's just say that you don't want to be basking in some strangers sweat on the weight machine, nor would you want them basking in your sweat. This is a very easy way for skin infections to be passed from one person to another through the residual sweat left on the seats or equipment.

2) If you're not going to use the machine, move so someone else can!
Some, but not all, gyms have a time limit that you can be on a machine. Personally, I don't like time limits because I don't want to feel rushed when I'm working out. At the same time, it is extremely rude to hold a machine and not be using it when someone else is waiting for it. You may not even be able to tell that someone else is waiting for the machine, so if you're done or are just talking, please just move and free up the machine for someone else.

3) Stay off the phone!
In a world where everyone has a cell phone, I see them used in so many ways in the gym. I see people watching shows or movies (Netflix is great!), I see people reading (I love reading blogs and books through the Amazon app), listening to music, taking pictures, social networking, etc. Just please don't talk on the phone while in the gym. I understand a quick call - a "hi, I'm at the gym, what do you need? Okay, I'll call you back" type of conversation. I've had to take these from my kids before. But, please, please, please don't have your conversations with your friends or family members like you're all alone. No one else needs to hear about how Suzie and Bobbie are fighting, about how John ended up in the hospital, or about how you're planning a party. And please use headphones when listening to anything on your phone.

4) Please wear deodorant and not too much perfume or cologne!
When we workout we sweat. When we sweat we start not smelling so great. Deodorant helps us smell better. And some people who happen to workout in the same gym as you do may have sensitivity or even allergies to strong perfumes or colognes. So, just to be on the safe side, please don't douse it on. A little can go a long way.

5) Be sure no one is on the equipment before plopping yourself in front of it!
What's worse than not being able to get on a machine? Having your equipment taken right out of under you. Some people don't bring water bottles with them to the gym; instead, some people actually use the drinking fountain whenever they need a drink. Or maybe they go to grab more or different weights. In any case, take a look around and see if there's a sweat towel or water bottle sitting there. If someone was just on the machine ask them if they're done before jumping on. Trust me, it'll go a long way to making the gym a more pleasant place because if they know you want that machine next they'll be more likely to let you know when it's free.

6) Please, please, please wear the appropriate attire for the gym!
I get it. If you like how you look you want to show your hot body off. But, there's a limit, at least for the gym! Please don't wear something that looks like you rolled in just wearing your underwear. Cover up. Some guys look great without their shirts on. Some just don't. Most at least wear a tank top. Some women look great with just a sports bra on, but we don't need to see it.

When Is The Best Time To Exercise, Morning Or Evening?

When Is The Best Time To Exercise, Morning Or Evening?

Fitness Blender

This is a universally accepted fact that exercise is the gateway to a healthier life. There are countless advantages associated with exercise. Our physical and mental health is mainly dependent on physical activities like this. Doing exercise regularly not only tones up our body and muscles, but enhances our mental condition, heart health and blood pressure levels. Exercise is an effective tool to fight against stress and depression and helps to improve the frame of mind, keeping you fresh throughout the day. Another benefit associated with exercise is the sound sleep. If you are suffering from sleeping disorders or remain restless while sleeping, then exercise is the right solution to such issues.

Your daily life performance is greatly dependent on how well you have slept at night. If you couldn't take a sound sleep, you wouldn't be able to perform well at work. Working out daily for 30 to 45 minutes helps you enjoy a sounder sleep at night and consequently keeps you fresh and active all day.

So, now you are convinced that significance of exercise is undeniable; there are some other factors that play vital role in making the exercise beneficial for you - time and the type of exercise.

You would find an extensive range of exercises for different purposes. You need to choose wisely the type of exercise you are going to do, keeping in view your age, health condition and physical fitness. For instance, if you are a heart patient, you should avoid vigorous exercises like cardiovascular workouts.

People usually do exercise either in morning or in evening. There are different opinions, myths and research studies regarding the advantages and disadvantages of morning and evening exercise. The body temperature of the human beings lowers down at night and rises up in the daytime. Exercise right before bed stimulates your brain and muscles, making you feel tired. Vigorous exercise before going to bed increases body temperature and makes it hard for you to fall asleep. If you exercise in evening and there is a 5 to 6 hours gap between evening exercise and your bedtime, then your body temperature will have enough time to lower down till your bedtime. If you sleep too early at night and there is not enough space between evening and your bedtime to decrease the body temperature, then going for early morning exercise is better for you.

Going for a 30 minute morning walk followed by 20 minute aerobics will surely lead you to a healthier life. Morning walk is also a great tonic to relieve stress and enhance the mood. When your mood stays fresh all day, it indirectly affects your sleeping patterns in a positive way. Moreover, exposure to the natural light in the morning improves your physical health and keeps your body fit. The sleep-wake cycle of your body is also reinforced by exposing it to the sunlight in morning.

Hit The Slopes Fit, Not Fat

Hit The Slopes Fit, Not Fat 

Fitness Programs 
You've book your winter vacation. You're excited about your upcoming ski trip over a long weekend. You can almost hear your ski's carving through the snow as you rush down your favorite run. Then it hits you! You haven't skied in a year and as a matter of fact you haven't spent all that much time staying in shape either. You've gained a few pounds since last years trip and you've starting to notice your stamina is not what it was a year ago. You used to hit the gym regularly a few times a week, but this past year work as been crazy, the kids seem to have more going on and the gym has just gotten pushed to the back burner. To put it bluntly, you've gotten fat.

The following 4-week plan is designed to improve your fitness level, increase your strength and stamina and get you back in shape so you can enjoy more time on the slopes and less time recovering in the lodge.

The following program is designed as a 4-week program. The exercises are focused around the muscles and movements used in skiing. Not only are these exercises designed to increase your strength and stamina; they also will help protect you against injury.

This program will start with a dynamic warm-up, then move into some core and strength work and finish up with a high-intensity interval finisher. In Week 1 you are going to perform both Workouts A and B once. Weeks 2 and 3 you will perform Workouts A and B twice each. Week 4 you will perform Workouts A and B once each leading up to your weekend.

The Workout

Dynamic Warm Up - perform this warm-up before each workout.

Foam Roll (Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, IT Band, Inner Thigh, and Back)

10 reps each area

Hip Flexor Stretch with Overhead Reach

30 seconds each side

DBL Hip Bridge

10 reps

Forward and Backward Jumps

10 reps over and back

Prisoner Lunge with Rotation

10 reps each side

Side-to-Side Jumps

10 reps over and back

Wave Squat

10 reps

Triangle Jumps

5 reps clockwise, 5 reps counter-clockwise

Speed Skaters

10 reps over and back

Workout A - perform 3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise. Performing A1 then A2 once each followed by a rest period of 60s and then repeated for two more sets. Do the same for groups "B" and "C".

A1) Kettlebell Swing

3 x 10

A2) Single Arm Push Press

3 x 10

B1) Kettlebell Goblet Squat

3 x 10

B2) TRX Row

3 x 10

C1) Single Leg Deadlift

3 x 10 each side

C2) Front Plank

3 x 60 seconds

Finisher: Squat Matrix

2 sets

Workout B- perform 3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise. Performing A1 then A2 once each followed by a rest period of 60s and then repeated for two more sets. Do the same for groups "B" and "C".

A1) Split Squat

3 x 10 each side

A2) 3 Point Dumbbell Row

3 x 10 each side

B1) Single Leg Hip Bridge

3 x 10 each side

B2) Push Ups

3 x 10

C1) Side Plank

3 x 30 seconds each side

C2) Inch Worm

3 x 5

Finisher: Bike Sprint Intervals

5 sets of 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest

Exercise Descriptions

Kettlebell Swing - Start in shortstop position with hips hinged, back flat, and head up. Place hands on the handle of kettlebell. Place the kettlebell about 12 inches in front over your body on the floor. To start the movement pull the kettlebell back between your legs, as is you are snapping a football. From there explode your hips forward allowing the kettlebell to rise to chest height. Once there pull the kettlebell back down and between your legs by hinging your hips. Do not squat the swing.

Single Arm Push Press - Select a dumbbell that is slightly heavier than what you could stand and press with one arm. Starting with the dumbbell at your shoulder, slightly dip your hips and explode up pushing the dumbbell to the ceiling. Lock out at the top, and then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Perform all repetitions on one side before switching to the other side.

Kettlebell Goblet Squat - Holding the kettlebell by the horns tuck your elbows to your rib cage. Hinge your hips back and sit down into a squat until your elbows reach your knees. Push through your heels and stand up.

TRX Row - Using a TRX Suspension Trainer grab the handles with a neutral grip and walk your feet in until you reach approximately a 45-degree angle with your body. Lower your body down slowly by straightening your arms and then pull yourself back up. Do not allow your shoulders to shrug up to your ears.

Single Leg Deadlift - Start by standing on one leg with arms at sides (you can hold dumbbells is needed). Hinge your hips and lean over keeping the knee of the leg you are standing on slightly bent and the opposite leg straight and horizontal with the floor. Once your hands reach knee level stand back up. Perform all repetitions on one side before switching to the other side.

Front Plank - Start on the floor supported on your forearms and toes. Clasp your hands together with your elbows under your shoulders. Keep your back flat with a neutral spine. Hold for 60 seconds.

Squat Matrix - Perform 20 seconds of bodyweight squats, immediately followed by 20 seconds of squat jumps, immediately followed by a 20 second squat hold. Rest 20 seconds. That's one set.

Split Squat - Start in a lunge position. Lower your back knee to the floor. Do not let your front heel lift off of the floor. Lift up by pressing your heel into the floor. Keep legs in split position until all reps are completed on one side, then repeat on opposite side.

3 Point Dumbbell Row - Place one hand on a bench and both feet square on the floor. Keep a flat back and pull the dumbbell up towards your body and pull your shoulder blade back. Do not shrug shoulders. Do all reps on one side and then repeat on opposite side.

Single Leg Hip Bridge - Start by lying on your back with your right leg straight and left leg bent with foot on the floor. Press your left foot into the floor and lift your hips and right leg up from the floor. Do all reps on one side and then repeat on opposite side.

Push Ups - Start on the floor in a push-up position. As you lower your body to the floor keep elbows at 45 degrees. Push yourself back up.

Side Plank - Start by lying on your side with your elbow under your shoulder. Plank up on your elbow and forearm and outside of you bottom side foot. Keep your body in straight alignment.

Inch Worm - Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Touch your toes and walk hands out to just beyond a push-up position. Walk feet back to hands, keeping legs straight. Walk hands back out and repeat.

Bike Sprint Intervals - Pedal for 30 seconds as fast as possible and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for prescribed sets.

5 Mistakes To Avoid For Your Home Workout Routines

5 Mistakes To Avoid For Your Home Workout Routines

Fitness Programs
Regular exercise is important to staying healthy, losing weight and getting fit. A lot of people choose to exercise at home because it is less expensive and less time consuming than going to the gym. But not everyone gets the results they want. Let's take look at the 5 common mistakes that almost everyone makes when they start to exercise at home.

1. Splashing Out On Expensive Equipment.

You don't have to spend a lot of money on equipment if you want to exercise at home. There are workouts where you use nothing but your body. Press-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats and leg lunges are classic examples. A jump rope doesn't cost much and provides a great workout for your legs as well as toning your upper body. You can also normally pick up a bench and a set of weights pretty cheap, if you keep an eye out for some in your local classified ads or charity shops.

2. Not Warming Up Or Cooling Down.

If your muscles are not warmed up you're increasing your risk of a sprain or strain. If you have an injury it could be several days before you can exercise again and you'll end up needing to start back at square one. Always stretch your muscles first before starting to exercise at home. It's also important to do some cool down stretching exercises once you've completed your routine for the day.

3. Not Sticking To A Schedule.

The key to any exercise routine is to have a schedule that fits in with your lifestyle. The best ways to exercise at home on a regular basis is to mark down your workouts into your diary. Treat them the same as you would if you had an important meeting to attend or if you had a friend coming around to see you.

4. Thinking That You Have To Stay Indoors.

Just because you exercise at home does not mean you have to actually exercise inside your home. If it's a nice day, go for a walk or a jog. If you own a bike then it's pretty easy to keep fit and shed some unwanted weight when you go cycling.

5. Becoming Bored.

When you exercise at home you need to be able to enjoy what you're doing because if you don't, your workout will become boring and you'll be more likely to quit. Include a little variety to your program and try out different exercises, both indoors and outside. Doing exercises at home also means that during your workout you can listen to your favorite music or watch your best TV programs while you workout.

Fitness Blender.

What Should You Know About Big Gym Trainers

Fitness Gym

The job of the trainer is to provide guidance for his or her clients related to health and fitness. Many trainers excel in physiology studies and have extensive experience but some trainers only earn money without doing their job with honesty. Big gym trainers only charge high fees from their customers in the name of reliability and expertise with extensive practical without providing promising services Following are some points that clients must seek before hiring a big gym for their health fitness.

Personal Training 
One of the important questions for a gym trainer is the accountability relationship between a personal trainer and their clients with the focus on overall knowledge of reaching fitness goals. Every client comes with different demands like weighing loss, lean mass gain, getting stronger, or maintaining fitness level. Thus every client requires a personal attention from their trainer that includes equipment using instructions and healthy diet plans. Make sure that the trainer understands the seriousness of your fitness goals and he or she explains to you how you can reach your goals.

Introduction of the Trainer 
It is almost necessary for every customer to get introduction of their fitness trainer to know what he or she are investing in. It is the right of client to get awareness about the background of trainers working in the gym, their experience levels, and their related education. In corporate gyms, there are highly qualified trainers to help people reach their goals and there are trainers who do not belong in the fitness industry. There are so many unskilled fitness professionals in big corporate gyms, because all the gym cares about is making sales. Big gyms know that personal trainers are more likely to stay no longer than three years with them so in order to keep up with their sales in the fitness department, they must hire as many trainers as they can.

Behavior of Gym Trainers 
Many big gyms are packed with personal trainers who compete with each other for gaining maximum client attention with ferocious tenacity. The gym trainer's behavior is the reflection of overall practice of the gym. By learning their attitudes and behaviors with other clients and their peers, will draw effective assessments about the gym and help make fair decisions on the investment of money for fitness. The trainer is not guaranteed to be there too long, because of their compensation and time with the gym can be unpleasant. Pay attention to how the fitness professional feels for where he or she works at.

Personal Space and Hygiene Rule 
Many high name gyms as they represent to be are not what they are actually are. Before joining a gym you must carefully check how every member who is attending with personal space and that all fitness equipment are under hygiene rules or not. Many customers with viral infections are performing their workouts while mixing with others which can raise the risk of transferring bacterial diseases to everyone. Keep in mind that personal trainers are in this environment as well.

There are many factors that you must consider before hiring a fitness professional in a big gym. Make your choice carefully, because you are at a risk of wasting time and money to reach your fitness goals. Once you make the right choice you will see the investment was worth it. Not only you will reach your goals, you will achieve a different lifestyle that you have to live.

New Year New You Exercise Tips And Strategies That Work

New Year New You Exercise Tips And Strategies That Work

There's good news for people who don't have much time or energy to exercise: the cumulative effect that comes from daily exercise increases the value of minimal daily effort.

If you want to get into great shape focus on creating daily consistency for your workouts- no matter how brief each workout may be. Daily consistency- defined as the steadfast adherence to resolution- has one fundamental requirement: self-discipline.

Cumulative effect requires passage of time- it kicks in automatically when you stick with any plan long enough.

Cumulative effect doesn't require lengthy workouts or tons of energy. Cumulative effect requires perseverance, self-discipline, and the passage of time.

Perseverance and self-discipline are character traits that are available to anyone who sets an intention to practice them. With perseverance and self-discipline you can work out daily for a few minutes and over the course of time experience measurable cumulative results from your efforts.

Although believing in your process and having a good workout plan are important, using your self-discipline to establish daily consistency for your workouts will get you farther than anything else.

The contingency for experiencing cumulative effect is you can't quit too soon. You don't need either a lot of time or energy to reap the benefits from the cumulative effect of consistency. Beyond all else, cumulative effect requires one thing: passage of time.

Most strength training movements using dumbbells can be done in 20-30 second time increments. One strength exercise that requires only 20-30 seconds to complete will yield measurable results for the muscles involved in that movement- when the cumulative effect of daily consistency kicks in. Start with one movement- bicep curls would be a very good first choice.

Don't have time for your planned workout? Change your plan. Don't skip an entire workout because you don't have time for what you had planned to do. A five minute workout, consistently done daily, has real value and will keep your habit strong.

You can lay a foundation for your fitness success with a minimal amount of daily exercise for two reasons: 
1. a little leads to a little more: as your body, mind, and lifestyle acclimate to daily exercise you'll likely desire to gradually expand your efforts. 
2. A daily habit is the strongest habit and strong habits survive.

Of course you don't want just one great muscle. Eventually you'll want to create a well-rounded exercise plan for yourself.

Lengthy intense workouts, sweating, or jumping up and down, are not requirements for good health. Doing a little bit every day is far better than doing more but working out less frequently.

What you don't know when you're new to and exercise habit is how good you'll feel from working out or that working out doesn't need to be difficult.

Going to a gym is great- but don't rely on it. Work out at home sometimes. The day will come when you either don't have the time or money for the gym. Home workouts can be fabulous.

Create good health through the cumulative effect from daily exercise. Instead of becoming an encumbrance, your stronger body will facilitate your lifestyle.

Cumulative effect of daily consistency is like magic dust sprinkled onto your good fitness habits. Create this magic fitness dust through the conscious choice to practice self-discipline and perseverance.

Style your personal fitness plan for sustainability: a suitable difficulty, intensity, and time duration.

The important thing is to start where you are and do what's within your personal power to be fit.

What Is The Best Exercise To Do For Weight Loss ?

What Is The Best Exercise To Do For Weight Loss ?

I must admit, this article is something I have to get off my chest on a regular basis, it floods my inbox and makes little puffs of steam come out my ears.

Do you want to know the best exercise for losing your muffin top?

Do you want to know the best exercise for a flat tummy?

Do you want to know the best exercise for targeting wobbly thighs?

blah blah blah

So with 2015 under way and many people embarking on new fitness and weight loss regimes, I thought I would try and straighten things out a bit. Whilst it is true that certain exercises will tone particular muscle groups, the way these articles are promoted makes it sound like if you do these 10 Ab/thigh/butt or whatever exercises, you will get a lovely flat tummy, or six pack, or toned thighs, but the truth of the matter is, abdominal exercises are probably amongst the least calorie burning activities out there and you can do all the abdominal exercises you like, but if your muscles are still buried under a layer of fat, you won't see them any time soon. The same goes for wobbly thigh exercises, back fat exercises and even those flabby arm exercises.

So, you want to know the best exercise activities for weight loss, the truth is... anything! With the right diet and any kind of exercise you will lose fat... from your belly, your hips, your thighs and anywhere else you may have fat stored (there is another major aspect to successfully losing weight around the belly, hips, thigh area but this is not covered in this article) Just get moving, be more active in general, but if you were hoping for a more specific answer then it would be a balanced weekly workout plan that incorporates both cardio and strength training. For those who are confused what this involves, your cardio is your walking/running/cycling/swimming type exercises and your strength training is using weights/dumbbells/kettlebells and bodyweight training activities. This combination will make for maximum fat attack and those toned muscles will soon start to shine through!

Without the strength training you will be missing out on the best muscle developing activity which in turn creates a bigger burn of fat every minute of every day for you. Every 1lb of muscle you have on your body burns 7-10 calories per day to maintain itself, every 1lb of fat you have on your body burns 2-3 calories per day, so you can see how if your body composition is more muscle than fat, you will be burning more calories per day simply existing, which from a weight loss point of view is fabulous! Not only that, but by building up the muscle composition of your body, your body shape will change quicker and look better much sooner than if you just lose fat without exercising.

The cardio exercises are the fat burners, which is why everyone dives into them when they want to lose weight, but there are quite a few things to take into consideration with cardio that most people simply don't know about. How much fat you will or won't burn depends a great deal on what you eat, when you eat, how much of it you eat, how long you do cardio for and how often plus what sort of cardio it is. The upshot of that is, cardio is not always as effective at burning calories as people believe it to be.

If you combine the two you get the best result from both activities, plus it keeps things interesting and gives your body (muscles) the variation they need to keep on building. It is also hugely beneficial to switch your exercise activities every month, change your strength training routine, swap steady cardio for interval training, add in some High Intensity Interval Training or try out a different activity altogether. When we stick with the same exercise routine week in week out, the muscles get used to it, and the effect starts to become less significant.

Do bear in mind though, if you are a serial scale visitor, when you are building muscle at the same time as losing fat, the scales won't always move as much as you want, leaving you feeling like you aren't getting anywhere, so be sure to take body measurements as a point of reference alongside your scales.

But having said all of that, any exercise is better than no exercise, so if exercising is not something you have done much of in the past, start small, with something you enjoy and aim to build things up as you go along. Make a note on your calendar, or decide that on the 1st of each month you are going to review your exercise plan and vary/increase the activities to keep it interesting, motivating and most importantly having the biggest impact on your body and your weight loss.

If you are not sure what sort of exercise plan to have for weight loss, enlist the help of someone who can help you. Statistics prove that having a structured plan increases the likelihood of you sticking to it by 80%