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Health & Fitness Diet

Health & Fitness Diet

Despite science's daily health advances, there’s something we just can’t seem to kick: ridiculous health trends. Common sense dissapears if a celebrity swears by their newest cleanse or sworn-by diet. This is in honor out our silly compulsions and get-skinny-quick desires.

As we near 2015, let’s reminisce on the strangest health fads of 2014. 

Do Not Try This Exercise 

1. Clay Cleanse

Does clay have cleansing abilities that help remove toxins? Yes. But usually clay is used as a face mask to remove skin impurities, or used in a culinary context to eliminate toxicants in food sources, according to research from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

This wacky trend was brought to the spotlight by actress Shailene Woodley, who described clay as “one of the best things you can put into your body,” HuffPost Health reported. But other than that hype, there is no substantial evidence that clays remove toxins, or that they should be consumed as a purifying measure. There are far better ways to get minerals, and besides, our liver and kidneys do a pretty good job detoxifying our bodies without mud. Let them do their job.  

10 Simple Ways to Detox Without Dieting

2. Cricket Protein 

Okay, this one may not be damaging to your health, but it’s certainly strange and may take until the end of 2015 to become mainstream. Crickets have their way into plenty of popular foods: protein bars, dried as a snack (similar to dried fruit), flour, chips, and cookies, according to the Huffington Post. Move over chia seeds, these little chirpers may just be the next super food.

Bizarre Source of Protein 

3. The Blood-Type Diet

Researchers from the University of Toronto discovered the theory behind the blood-type diet, which claims an individual’s nutritional needs depends on their blood type, is unfounded and invalid. 

Popularized by the popular book Eat Right For Your Type, the theory maintained that one’s blood type can improve health and lower the risk of chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease. These researchers shut the notion down, saying someone’s ability to respond favorably to a diet depends on his or her ability to stay on the diet, not on their type of blood.

Fad Diets and Diet Food Don’t Work 

4. Butter Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee, recently back int he news, is a caffeinated concoction. Not your typical cup of coffee, it's brewed with two-thirds of a stick of grass-fed butter. Let’s be clear; grass-fed butter is still butter, whether it comes from cows, sheep, goats, or yaks, it’s still adding 100 to 200 calories to your coffee. 

The beverage is said to boost energy, shrink your waistline, and promote brain function, but Today's nutrition editor Madelyn Fernstrom says "any extra energy experienced by drinkers is merely a placebo effect," the Daily Mail reports. 

Butter is high in saturated fat, which raises cholesterol and increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. But those who follow the Paleo diet will likely be fans of the coffee since it falls within their hat-fat regimen.

The Paleo Diet: So Easy a Caveman Could Do It

5. Charcoal Cleanse 

Hospitals use a special charcoal cocktail to flush poison and alcohol out of patients' systems. In 2014, normal people decided the black mess at the bottom of their grill would work great as a cleansing agent. 

Activated charcoal is special, The DailyBurn reports, because of its efficacy in large surface areas. Carbon is treated with an oxidizing agent, which turns it to a fine dust with millions of pores and an immediate surface area that reduces the body’s absorption of poison (drugs and alcohol) by 47 percent. Everything—charcoal doesn’t discriminate, it will absorb everything—in your gut will stick to the charcoal and move through your body to be expelled in your next bowel movement. Lovely.

Weight Loss & Diet Plans

Diet Plans for losing Weight


The 3 Day Diet

These days, when even instant cereal isn’t fast enough, we want weight loss now, not later. And who could argue with dropping the weight of a large laptop in just one long weekend? The 3 Day Diet promises exactly that.

If you’ve been struggling to budge the scale and you’re tempted to try it, here are the details you need to know.

The diet, aimed at people wanting to lose a lot of weight, claims you’ll drop up to 10 pounds if you follow it for three days.

The menu consists of three breakfasts, lunches, and “dinners” -- if you consider a cup of tuna fish or two hot dogs, plus fruit and vegetable sides, dinner.

One web site that markets the diet claims it’s “chemically and enzyme balanced,” though this statement isn’t explained or supported.

One thing is clear: You won’t be eating much. On Day 1, you get just 870 calories. Days 2 and 3 aren’t much different.

What You Can Eat and What You Can't

For three days, you’ll eat extremely basic meals made with foods you may already have in your kitchen.

For example, breakfast on Day 1 is black coffee or water, half a grapefruit, and a slice of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Lunch is half a cup of tuna, another slice of toast, and another cup of black coffee (or tea or water).

If you’re looking for variety or foodie thrills, you won’t find them here.

Lunch on Day 2, for instance, is nothing but a cup of cottage cheese and some saltine crackers. Sauces, dressings, and even spices are off the list. If you have a sweet tooth, though, you’ll be happy to find vanilla ice cream on the menu each day.

Level of Effort: Low

The biggest effort you'll make on the diet may be stopping yourself from reaching for more food.

Limitations: The menu is what it is, with no room for varied palates or eating preferences, though some web sites say you can swap tuna for cottage cheese and vice versa.

Cooking and shopping: This diet is about as low-effort as it gets, short of having meals delivered to your door. Just about the only cooking involved is steaming the vegetables, unless you choose to eat them raw (either is an option).

Packaged foods or meals? No.

In-person meetings? No.

Exercise: It's frowned on because, as one web site puts it, “you will not be feeling very energetic" while you're on this diet.

Does It Allow for Dietary Restrictions or Preferences?

Vegetarians and vegans: This menu is not for vegetarians or vegans. It’s not low-salt, low-carb, or low-fat, either -- just low-calorie.

Gluten-free: This diet includes toast and crackers, which traditionally include gluten in the wheat. You could buy gluten-free versions if you chose to, but going gluten-free is not a feature of this diet.

What Else You Should Know

This diet was most likely not developed by nutrition experts. One web site that offers the diet includes this warning: “Neither the staff nor management of 3 Day Diets are experienced, licensed, or knowledgeable to judge or recommend the validity or safety of this diet. We do not necessarily endorse this diet and recommend that before trying this or any other diet to consult a physician or licensed medical practitioner. Use at your own risk.”

When judging any diet, including this one, keep in mind two key pieces of advice from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: First, if a diet sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Second, if you can’t see yourself following the diet for the rest of your life, it’s not for you.

Why Exercise Is Important to Senior Health and Fitness

Why Exercise Is Important to Senior Health and Fitness

Fitness Blender

Comedian, George Burns, said at 100 years of age, "If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself." Many people will live to a ripe old age no matter how badly they take care of themselves strictly because of good genes. But the benefits of exercising well into your senior years can determine the quality of life you enjoy - or not.

As you age, muscle mass decreases to the tune of about three to five percent per decade after you're forty years of age. Since muscles keep us fit and strong and helps to burn calories and maintain weight, serious problems could develop if you let your muscles deteriorate.

Without strong muscles, which also contribute to our bone strength and balance, you could lose some of your mobility and much or all of your independence. The good news is that if you're a senior who has been a couch potato all your life, it's not too late to exercise and build muscle mass.

The best exercise for building muscle mass is weight lifting and/or resistance bands. In a recent study, when male and females ranging from age 72 to 98 years of age lifted weights three times per week for a total of ten weeks, they increased thigh muscle mass by almost 3%. After three months of lifting weights they were able to increase their walking ability from 25 minutes to 35 minutes. That's an amazing increase in endurance and vitality.

No matter what your age, you can be sure that strength and endurance will increase within days of beginning an exercise (weight and resistance) program. And, it's not just the muscle mass that will keep you going. The brain sends signals through the nervous system about which muscles are needed for the movement you're about to take. When you exercise, that signal becomes stronger and your muscles will get the signal more clearly.

Exercise for seniors is also vital because it increases endurance. When your endurance ability decreases as you age, you become more susceptible to diseases such as cardiovascular, mobility impairment and premature death. Severe fatigue, trouble breathing and muscle cramps are also results from lack of exercise in seniors.

Flexibility and balance are also good side effects from seniors engaging in exercise. Bones become brittle and balance may deteriorate enough to cause serious falls as you age, so exercise while you can to prevent a catastrophic illness or fall which could take away your independence and your overall health.

Your Body's Health

Your Body's Health

Fitness Blender

Your health and the fitness of your body to meet the challenges you face each day of your life is, as you know, of the utmost importance. Anytime you may have spent in the past being sick and unhealthy have probably made you even more aware of your need to regain your health and remain healthy as soon as possible.

You are, no doubt, aware of the many kinds of health problems we all face each day. Many of those hazards can be avoided or sidestepped with what we call "preventative medicine."

For example, our personal physicians and dentists often advise us to have regular check ups that are designed to keep us as healthy as possible at all times.

This brings up the question: do we follow that kind of advice when it is offered to us? Sometimes we do and many times we do not.

It seems to me, the easiest professional advice for us to always ignore is what we hear from our dentists. The dentists always say to us: " Get regular checkups." We usually do not do that but let me give you some reasons why what the dentists tells is so important to our health.

Over the years many health researches have agreed that much of our health and fitness is directly related to our teeth, our oral health. Think for a minute: everything you put in your mouth, and chew and swallow goes almost directly into your body. What does the food you swallow do in your stomach? It gets digested, processed, adsorbed, consumed and - broken down. Next it is dispersed into your blood stream and other parts of your body where it provides you with good health and energy. Any of the food that is not digestible moves into your large and small intestines where it is then eliminated.

As long as the food you eat is properly chewed in your healthy mouth, using either your natural teeth or the teeth in your comfortable denture, you can expect to remain healthy and well nourished.

According to the oral health researcher's studies, when you develop poor oral health or loose, uncomfortable dentures the rest of your body may be deprived of food that is not properly chewed. Then, the result can be - you become under nourished - to the point where you may get sick.

Therefore, this is why you need to follow your dentist's and doctor's advice to have regular physical examinations that can improve your body's health.

Physical Fitness and You

Physical Fitness and You

Fitness Blender

Physical fitness is to the human body what fine-tuning is to an engine. It is not a race, it's a pursuit. In its most general meaning, physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. It is a foundation for a long and successful life.

Physical fitness is usually measured by periodic tests measuring strength, endurance, agility, coordination, and flexibility. Physical fitness is the capacity of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles to function at optimum efficiency.

It has two meanings -- General fitness (a state of health and well-being) and specific fitness (the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). Physical Fitness is important, even on bed rest.

A general-purpose physical fitness program must address the following essentials:

Cardiovascular Fitness: It is the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to muscles during continuing physical activity.

Regular exercises enable more blood to be pumped with each stroke of heart.

Flexibility Training: Stretching increases the range of motion of a joint. It improves suppleness.

Strength Training: Strength training is the use of resistance to muscular contraction to build the strength, and size of skeletal muscles.

Muscular Endurance: Endurance is the ability to exert for a long period of time. In humans, it is usually used in aerobic or anaerobic exercise.

Body Composition: In physical fitness, body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies.


Fitness, most importantly cardio-respiratory fitness, has been directly correlated to the mortality rate. Fitness can be described as a condition that helps us look, feel, and do our best.

In previous years, fitness was commonly defined as the capacity to carry out the day's activities without undue fatigue. These days, physical fitness is considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

Many sources also cite mental and emotional health as an important part of overall fitness. This is often presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three sub-sections, which represent physical, emotional, and mental fitness.

Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart, lungs, and muscles. And, since what we do with our bodies also affects what we can do with our minds, fitness influences to some degree qualities such as mental alertness and emotional stability.

People normally prefer walking for fitness activities followed in order by: swimming, fishing, bicycle riding, camping, golf, bowling, exercise equipment, hiking, hunting, aerobics, calisthenics, jogging, and tennis. Women prefer fitness-related indoor activities and men prefer outdoor sports.

The top level of physical fitness tends to mesh physiology and psychology. The exercises improve function of the muscular and skeletal systems, enhance circulation, augment energy and elevate overall individual levels of fitness. The level of physical fitness can be influenced by regular, systematic exercise.

As energy depends on nutrition, proper nutrition is important to physical fitness. If diet is not adequate, the fitness level will drop. Overweight, underweight, and weak individuals will have below average fitness levels.


Exercise that doesn't raise your heart rate to a certain level and keep it there for 20 minutes won't contribute significantly to cardiovascular fitness. It is better to select exercises that involve total body involvement.

Such exercises improve and maintain fitness most effectively -- e.g. Running, swimming, golf, dancing, cycling, and brisk walking. The correct exercises will help you decrease body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass.

By performing many different exercises for a low number of repetitions, the muscles are strengthened, elongated and toned without creating bulk. Total concentration on the body during each exercise emphasizes movement quality, coordination and breath.


Healthy people have more active and more interesting life. Physical fitness can also prevent or treat many chronic health conditions brought on by unhealthy lifestyle or aging.

To stay healthy it's important to participate in physical activity. Even those of us who haven't always led active lifestyles, increasing our physical activity now will help us live longer & healthier lives.

To live a full and healthy life, exercise must be a part of it. It is the ability to endure, to bear up, to withstand stress, to carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue, and it is a major basis for good health and well-being. A physically fit body has less chance of acute health problems and chronic disease.

Major Benefits of Physical Fitness:

o Feel fresh

o Reduce chance of heart attack & stroke

o Reduce the chances of developing adult onset diabetes

o Reduce chances of being overweight

o Manage stress efficiently

o Experience more energy

Stay Fit With Your Own Personal Trainer

Stay Fit With Your Own Personal Trainer

Fitness Blender

The World Health Organization defines the concept of health as a powerful, interconnected relation between three main elements: physical, mental and emotional. Due to the stressful and hurried life many people are forced to live, the concept of physical fitness developed a lot in the past few years and brought positive changes for the modern man.

Everybody knows that staying fit is a big part of being healthy. Today, people seek to take informed decisions about their body shape and the Internet is surely one of the best resources available. Besides valuable information about physical exercises and proper nutrition, online one can find a suitable personal trainer.

A personal trainer is essential for anyone who desires to stay in shape and even lose extra weight. He/she is trained to plan an exercise program, specific for every client, point out possible medical risks and also advise against certain types of activities. With the help of the Internet, people have the possibility to find true professionals and learn the proper way to be healthy.

The biggest advantage brought by a personal trainer is the elaborate plan of action. The first step is represented by a careful evaluation, having the precise purpose to pinpoint the exact problems and set up definite goals. For this, certain details are required and some of the most important are: age, sex, height and weight. After checking all that, the body mass index is calculated and also the body's percent of body fat. All these are important, allowing the personal trainer to work out custom training sessions for every muscle group in particular and also for the whole body in general.

The online world cannot only help interested Internet users to find a fitness trainer but also to learn useful info about physical training. It is important to understand that only healthy people are recommended to engage in such activities. Still, there are specific exercises for people with chronic illnesses, being actually suggested for the improving of the body's immune system.

When it comes to finding a qualified fitness trainer, there are plenty of choices online but it is for the best to choose the one that takes time to respect your needs and wishes. These persons can also provide valuable advice about postural exercises, preliminary exercises before training sessions and also coordinate the basic elements of fitness. These refer mainly to equilibrium, cardiovascular capacity, flexibleness and muscular strength.

There are many reasons why anyone should want to work out with a fitness trainer. People feel more confident if they receive professional help and obtain better, not to mention prompter results. It is a good thing that one can use the Internet to look for a fitness trainer, as many people just do not have the time to waste shopping around.

A complete training program schemed by a fitness trainer starts with a typical warm-up, followed by what is known as combined functional exercises and sometimes by adjuvant, detached exercises. Functional training is the main element of any session, being often intermixed with postural exercises as many people complain of posture problems due to the long program at a desk.

More and more people have taken the decision to browse the Internet in search of a personal trainer, realising the need to stay in shape and function at full capacity. They choose to go through specifically designed exercising programs, being fully conscious that living a healthier, more active life can only bring great advantages, starting with feeling better and happier.

Stay Fit With Fitness Equipment

Stay Fit With Fitness Equipment

Fitness Blender

It is essential for anyone to stay fit irrespective of age and sex. Regular exercise not only helps one to stay fit but also ensures we are able to perform regular chores without difficulty. Any person who is physically fit can perform various activities including running, swimming or carrying any item without difficulty. For most people staying fit is not at all easy, as you usually have to exercise regularly in order to stay fit. Moreover other factors like work, exercise and food can also factor in when staying fit.

Regular exercise along with a balanced diet helps one to stay fit, however exercising equipment helps you to exercise your muscles and stay fitter.


The Treadmill is commonly called the "King of all Gym Machines". The basic treadmills are designed for walking workouts, but some of the more modern treadmills come with different features and facilities. These latest treadmills have various features including arm tools, incline adjustments and many more great features.

A modern treadmill also has special features to measure the heart rate, blood pressure, etc. It can also measure the distance you have covered by looking at your workout and indicating the kilometers you have covered. You can also calculate the amount of calories you have burned whilst exercising.

Exercise bike

An Exercise bike is one of the more affordable and popular types of exercising equipment. It is an inexpensive way of performing high quality aerobic training and it is especially good for beginners. An Exercise bike makes it easier to exercise your hips, ankles and knees and it is also best for people who want to recover from an injury. Not to mention, it is an excellent cardiovascular exercise which can burn unwanted fat from the body.

Rowing machine

An Indoor rower or rowing machine is used to mimic the act of rowing a watercraft indoors. It is one of the best kinds of exercise for a person who is suffering from any cardiovascular disease. Indoor rowing can be usually performed for time durations of 20 - 60 minutes, based upon the health of the person.

If you are planning to set up a gym in your office or club then you can seek the advice of reliable companies like Fit Quote who can provide quotes for any type of gym equipment and at very competitive rates.

There are fitness equipment sourcing companies available on the internet but when you purchase through them ensure they are reliable and efficient.

Physical Fitness - Exercise Over Equipment

Physical Fitness - Exercise Over Equipment

Fitness Exercise

Among competitions and sports that define ability, capability and skill the fittest and fastest is always the winner. Sports as an activity showcase an athlete's potential physically and mentally to overcome challenges to reach the top spot.

In contrast, competitions there are also sports that put enormous focus on pure physical strength - wrestling, boxing, sumo are some categories that require rigorous amounts of strength building of the body to have the edge always over the opponent.

Before the advent of the 'tech age', fitness was imparted at group sessions where a trainer or master, usually an ex-wrestler or boxer would impart tips and advice and guide probable wrestlers and boxers through the paces of moves and actions and prepare them for match bouts. The emphasis was more on strenuous physical exercises and activity, both indoor and outdoor, to put the body into shape.

Then came the time where machines took over. Streamlined equipment to help with various exercises and procedures began to appear in sports clubs, health centers, and sports training schools and even in homes. Here, the athlete simply trained on the machines to achieve levels of fitness with or without the presence of a trainer. However, the human touch began to disappear.

Today, there are exercise sessions and classes on the television, CDs with documented videos showing step-by-step fitness routines and even online networked sessions with former champion athletes where the trainer-student routine is imparted through PCs or other equipment over distances, removing close contact completely. Whether or not these provide the real advantage is a debatable issue but connectivity ensures the link is present though not through physical proximity.

A global issue that needs to be addressed

Fitness and exercise equipment are big-bucks earners and a multi-billion dollar industry. However, lack of guiding ethics and fundamentals have also contributed to the unchecked and rampant growth of websites, instructions manuals, tutorials, videos and many other methods of fitness instructions that serve as a 'one for all' tool. This kind of approach cannot be considered healthy for the general population, as a whole, because some exercise regimes and fitness programs are specially and specifically designed for professional sportspersons and athletes who are required to maintain a certain degree of fitness and physical ability to meet their professional requirements.

While there is no denying that equipment definitely helps in staying fit, prolonged usage without need or supervision can lead to bodily harm, injury or permanent disability. And, where fitness is seen more as a fad to gain entry into a 'premium league' the disadvantages of over dependence on machinery over a principled lifestyle are very obvious. Physical fitness equipment can put the body in shape faster; it also puts the body 'out of shape' faster because sustaining fitness through machinery is not always possible long-term. Invariably, areas of the body that bear the brunt of unnecessary and uncalled for strain end up paying the price in the 'race to remain fit'.

Diets and workouts

To take away this over dependence on machines and equipment to put the body in shape, fitness experts, doctors and nutritional advisors stress on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and exercise that provides overall fitness against bulging muscles and abs. It is very difficult to sort through tons of information available online through weight loss programs, diets, workout videos and many others that all claim to be 'the best suited' or 'most suitable'. We have seen how people of older generations are able to keep fit with minimum exercise like walking, swimming or playing a game or sport that does not put undue strain on the body. For many physical conditions that affect the body, a combination of exercise and disciplined diet intake provide many benefits.

The general population has to understand the concept that 'one size does not fit all'; falling prey to marketing gimmicks and techniques using the Internet that propagate trends and usages to increase visibility and fill coffers is a oft used tool by many corporations and agencies.

Diet Health and Fitness - For Lower Back Pain

Diet Health and Fitness - For Lower Back Pain

Fitness Health

Lower back pain is so common and easily induced that 80% of adults have experienced the condition. However, lower back pain can be avoided or eliminated by following the proper diet health and fitness regimen.

If and when you experience pain or soreness in you back for more than one day you should visit your local chiropractor or doctor for x-rays. This is critical as most back pain will not go away on its own and will most likely worsen if ignored.

Most lower back pain is caused by injury, overuse of the back and/or muscle strain. After the initial and chronic pain has healed the best thing you can do for back pain treatment is to begin a fitness program of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of your lower back.

A simple search in you tube will provide free videos to learn some of the many different types of lower back pain exercises. However, for optimal health and fitness you should try to perform a variety of exercises that will strengthen your entire body, as well as your lower back area.

Back Health And Fitness - Diet And Weight Maintenance

The first thing I would recommend to dull your pain is that you avoid eating any refined sugar (white sugar), as sugar greatly amplifies any pain within your body. Try to eat as healthy a diet, mostly organic fruits and vegetables, as you can. Don't overlook your diet health when you have pain or an injury. Your diet plays a very important role in the internal healing of injuries.

Staying slim is essential to avoiding and reducing back pain as well as being healthy in general. Any excess weight is extra strain on your back and aerobic exercise is your key to maintaining a healthy weight. Aerobic exercises like biking and walking are low-impact and can be easy on the lower back.

Back Health And Fitness - Strengthening

Strength building is important for keeping your back conditioned. When working out you want to strengthen the areas that support your back like your:

* Abdominals 
* Hips 
* Legs

Unless you are already experienced in the area of fitness and strength training it would be a good idea to do so under the supervision of some type of trainer, doctor or physical therapist.

Back Health And Fitness - Stretching

Most people, especially males, will overlook stretching as an important part of their health and fitness regimen. Stretching is just as important as the exercises you do so make sure that you spend the proper time stretching every day.

Your flexibility can only change gradually so it is important to stretch every day in order to consistently gain flexibility. Increased flexibility will drastically reduce your chance of injury and will enhance your muscle strength and power.

But, like strength training, stretching should also be done with some type of expert supervision or guidance so you don't overdo it and hurt yourself. Hopefully some of these recommendations can reduce your pain and help you avoid any future occurrences.

Fitness Exercises / Build Yourself a Bigger Booty

Build Yourself a Bigger Booty

Recently, I've been getting an abundance of questions about exercises to build the buttocks. It seems that many women are looking for quick ways to a bigger booty. Here are the top two options that will leave you with the desired results. Of course there's the artificially enhanced approach that has the possibility of going horribly wrong. So if you don't want to travel to a foreign country, drop a load of cash and risk looking like you have two slabs of deli meat stuffed down your pants, then your only other option is exercise and hard work. The problem with this approach is that the circumference of your rear end will not triple in size overnight. It has the potential to grow, look rounder and have a firmer feel to it. If you're ready for this approach, you can start with body measurements of the waist and hips. Pictures are also helpful so you can actually see the changes. Update your stats monthly so you can determine if your training has been effective.

Before you plunge into your booty building workshop, remember to exercise the entire body. You can target a specific area as long as it isn't all you are doing. Make sure you engage all your muscles over the course of one week. Don't over-train any specific muscle group. If you do, good luck trying to sit down the next day. Pace yourself, work on quality over quantity. Practice good posture and form throughout the exercise. You can train the desired area three times a week, as long as the workload is evenly distributed and your muscles have enough time to recover in between workouts. Moreover, it is recommended to vary the exercises so that you aren't repeating the same routine each time. To complement your workouts, cleaning up your diet will help you to achieve better results in a shorter amount of time. In essence, what you are doing is reducing your percentage of body fat and strengthening your muscles. You will be developing a stronger, healthier body and the desired back side that you are seeking.

There are three gluteus muscles, the minimus, the medius and the maximus. Not only are there certain exercises to active each muscle, there are different ways of exercising that will target different muscle groups. Take for example a back bridge, lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. As you exhale, use your heels to raise your lower back from the floor until the hips are straight. At this point, contract your glutes and hold for about five seconds. Lower your back to the floor as you inhale, then repeat for twelve to fifteen reps. This exercise will help to build your stabilizing muscles, which will help to strengthen your core. Another option is the kettlebell swing, which is an explosive movement. It is a more advanced move that requires maximum output in the shortest amount of time possible. Your body stays in constant motion as your hips are moving back and forth. If your core muscles aren't developed properly, you shouldn't perform this move. The swing will activate your fast twitch muscles, which are the same type of muscles used when you sprint. These are two examples of different exercises that work the muscles in different ways and both are effective.

If a bigger back side is what you're looking for, it can be done with exercise. I've seen how bodies can transform by working hard for what you are pursuing. If your training program is balanced, you can build muscle in certain areas. Just don't let your quest for a bigger booty hinder your progress in other areas.

Fitness Exercise / Exercise Helps Diabetic Neuropathy - 5 Tips to Get Started

Exercise Helps Diabetic Neuropathy - 5 Tips to Get Started

Exercise is beneficial for many different conditions and you can include diabetic neuropathy to the list.

In the early stages of diabetic neuropathy at least, exercise appears to help in the regulation of nerve pain of neuropathy and to slow its progress as revealed in a recent study. Researchers found that neuropathy sufferers who exercised on a treadmill for an hour four times a week had a significantly slower progression of nerve damage.

Precisely why exercise helped wasn't reviewed, however a good guess is that exercise produces a demand for more blood flow to the legs and feet, exposing affected nerves to more required nutrients.

Despite knowing this, it's hard to convince a person suffering from neuropathy to exercise simply because the discomforts related to neuropathy are the very reason that keep them from working out in the first place. So the trick is to discover an exercise that doesn't intensify the condition in the short term so you can keep exercising long enough to see the benefit.

Here are 5 helpful tips.

First, It's always best to get your heart, eyes, and feet inspected by a medical professional prior to starting any new exercise program and ask their view regarding which type of exercise would be best for you.

Start Gradually

Once you've got your doctor's advice, don't feel you have to jump right in and exercise a lot. Slowly integrating exercise into your life is a better way to ensure you'll continue it. Doing too much too quickly can cause problems. Start with simply five minutes of additional motion a day, even something as simple as moving your ankles up and down. As you feel more comfortable, include a little more time every day. The American Diabetes Association suggests building up to exercising 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week.

Be Kind to Yourself

Neuropathy is a long-term condition and its symptoms may be with you for a while, so think long-term. Because walking can be jarring on the feet, possibly enhancing your pains, swimming or water aerobics may be a much better option. These non-impact exercises can be really valuable. Water offers both support and resistance so you'll get less pressure on your feet, yet still utilize your muscles, creating an enhanced blood flow into the impacted areas.

You might likewise think about utilizing a stationary bike, an elliptical trainer, both of which give great results with far less pounding on the feet. Yoga and tai chi could also be useful as their motions can help with both balance and relaxation.

Make Exercise Fun

Our bodies were built to move. Unfortunately, many individuals equate exercise with "work" and work usually implies something undesirable. May I suggest you consider working out as an opportunity to play. Working at exercise can enhance your physical fitness, but "playing at" exercise lifts both physical fitness and spirits. You do not need to develop a major sweat to acquire benefits.

As kids, a lot of us found something we enjoyed doing, whether it was a sport or other activity. If possible, rekindle that pleasure by incorporating that sport or a modified version of it into your workout program. For instance, I liked playing basketball through my 20's, however due to injuries I discovered I couldn't continue. Now in my 50's I remain to delight in the game and get some great exercise simply by going to the health club to shoot baskets between wind sprints. On the other hand, my wife has always liked dancing. She continues to take dance courses with pals.

Make Exercise Part of Your Day

Another way to stay inspired is to establish "play-dates" with a friend, a next-door neighbor, partner, or even a pet, preferably someone with a similar physical fitness level. Can't find anybody? Check out group courses at the local leisure center or fitness center.

Mix It Up

Do not feel you have to do any particular routine. One of the most common reasons people give up on exercises is that they feel it gets boring. Mix it up by learning a new sport or activity such as golf, dancing, or bowling. Another suggestion is to go to the library and search for a new exercise DVD or video.

Real Solutions For Your New Years Resolutions

Real Solutions For Your New Years Resolutions

Fitness Programs
How to make this year different than all the years past.

Too often we see people start off the new year exercising in a fury; pushing, pulling, sweating to burn off those holiday pounds and get their bodies lean, fit, and sexy; and this time, it's 'for good'. Yet, come March or April, we'll find that more than two-thirds of these exercisers have given up on their fitness goals by either drastically reducing their exercise intensity and/or frequency, or by quitting their exercise program all together. Of the approximate one-third, who will stick to their exercise programs, only about twenty-five percent of those ever reach their goals; and less than half of these people maintain their goals for more than a year. So why do less than 5 percent of exercisers truly succeed in reaching fitness goals and maintaining their desired level of fitness? There are many reasons, yet we will narrow it down to the most common and important ones, as well as give you tips for long-term success, to help make this year different than all the years past.

The three most common reasons that people fail to reach their New Year's Fitness Goals, or any fitness goals for that matter, are ineffective goal setting, burn-out, and lack of progress or results from their current fitness program. Learning how to set goals properly will give you a vision, a plan, and the motivation needed to succeed. It is also very important to start off slowly and progress gradually to avoid burning out. Fitness needs to become a lifestyle if you want results that last a lifetime. Progress and results come from proper technique and effective programming. It is in your best interest to seek out professional guidance to find the best program for your goals and body type, as well as teach you proper technique. Ask any fitness professional, and they will agree that 9 out of 10 people working out in their facility are doing at least 50 percent of their exercises incorrect or inefficiently. Correcting these three issues will do wonders for your workouts and get you faster results.

Effective Goal Setting

To get started on the right track, you need to start with effective goal setting. The keys to effective goal setting are setting both long-term and short-term goals, setting realistic goals, and being specific with your goals. Start with the long-term goal, and work your way back. Many goal setting techniques agree on a five-year mark as a good starting point. It's not too far off in the future, yet it's definitely not a short-term goal. Looking ahead five years is a good balance between a 'big picture' perspective of fitness as a 'lifestyle', and a more narrow, short-term focus, giving you the ability to plan steps to get you to your ultimate goal. When setting your 5-year goal, think of your ultimate fitness goal; dream your highest fitness achievement. Then break it down and plan your 3-year, 2-year, 18 months, 1-year, 6 months, 3 months, and 1 month goals. This should give you a fairly good idea of what your road-map will look like towards your ultimate goal. If your ultimate goal is solely based on appearance, such as "have a body like a super-model", or "have a 46 inch chest with a 34 inch waist", there are two things to remember. First, be aware of your body type and set realistic goals. Many great accomplishments, and drastic physical changes, can occur in five years, but not all body types can transform to a 'super-model' like figure. Secondly, experts agree that your chances of succeeding dramatically increase when your goal is tied to an event or activity, versus setting your goal based on physical appearance alone. Try setting goals such as to run a marathon this year, do an Iron-man Triathlon, run a 6-minute mile, play in four different sports leagues in one year, jog 30 miles per week for a year, or cycle 500 miles, as your primary goal, and then attach an appearance goal if desired. These are just examples of lofty goals, and will vary depending on your current fitness level and specific goals, but are achievable with the proper 5-year plan. In addition to being realistic, it is important to be very specific. It is not enough to say, I want to lose several pounds or have a super-model figure. Set specific goals which are measurable, such as having a 28 inch waist, having 15 percent body-fat, or being a size 4. When it comes to being realistic, just remember that if you are more than 60 or 70 pounds overweight, it is not realistic to lose all your excess weight in four or five months, and have your 'super-model' body in time for the beach this summer.

You will have more fun and greater chances of succeeding if your New Year's Fitness Goals (Resolutions) are different every year. Lift more weight, increase your speed or vertical jump, or learn to play a new sport. New Year's Fitness Goals should NOT be the same "lose 10, 20, 30 pounds" every year. This is a sign of continuously unsuccessful programming and lack of commitment, in addition to 'yo-yo' weight management, which is extremely stressful on your body and your mind.

Avoiding Burn-out

Another main reason people fail to reach their fitness goals and accomplish their New Year's Fitness Resolutions is that they simply burn out. How often do we see our health club or gym get packed with crowds of new members during the month of January, yet by March, most of the excess members (those we didn't see last July through December), have once again disappeared, and our health club or gym is back to its normal population. It happens every year without exception. It is not uncommon to see people go to the gym or health club five or six days a week for 60 to 90+ minutes each day, for the first month or so, in the New Year. They are focused, on a mission, and dedicated to getting fit fast. The problem is that many of these people weren't exercising regularly, if exercising at all, before the New Year. Then they expect their bodies to be able to tolerate high demands of their muscles, joints, organs, and energy system, not to mention the shock to the social and family life. A great deal of blame needs to be pointed at the publishing companies for the 'quick-fix' books promising results in 6 weeks with just 20 minutes a day, and our culture for its impatience and inescapable focus on results, making us almost incapable of enjoying the journey. To avoid burning out, make sure to start off slowly, progress gradually, and keep in mind your long-term goal. Progressing gradually not only decreases your chance of burn-out, but also decreases your chance of injury. It is important for your body, as well as your mind, to have time to adjust to your new lifestyle. You will be much more successful if you look at this as a long-term lifestyle change, versus how you will look in two or three months.

The other reason most New Year's 'Resolutioners' fail in accomplishing and maintaining their fitness goals, is that their current workout program is ineffective and/or their technique is incorrect. The first and most basic component of an effective exercise program is consistency and regularity. It is astonishing how many people expect drastic results, but they are unwilling to make the commitment and sacrifices needed to make fitness a consistent part of their schedule. Once you are committed to making fitness a regular part of your lifestyle, then you need the components within each workout to make your workouts effective and constructive. The seven components to effective exercise programs are consistency, varying training phases, proper warm-up and cool-down, executing proper form, effective cardiovascular programming, plyometrics, and proper nutrition. We've covered the first component, now let's take a look at the other six.

7 Components of Effective Programming for Progress and Results

To avoid burn-out, or hitting a plateau (the point at where you stop seeing or feeling progress), it is extremely important to change your training phase every four to six weeks. Your body adapts to the resistance and begins to plateau after about four weeks of doing the same 1 or 2 routines, and after about six weeks if doing the same 3 or 4 routines. Although, you may sweat and breathe hard throughout your workout, your muscles are not stressed to a point of hypertrophy or strength gains, and therefore need to be challenged again by changing the demands put on the muscles, joints, bones, and nervous system. This is done by changing the training phase, which in turn also changes the intensity and duration of exercises and workouts. The New Year is always a great time to change things up and get back to corrective exercise and stabilization training. This is where you bring the body back in balance by performing functional flexibility exercises, balance exercises, and core stabilization exercises. Exercises challenge your balance and endurance, but are relatively low in intensity. This is a great way to start off slowly and avoid the traditional burn out. Other phases include endurance training, strength training, speed and power training, plyometrics training, and recovery training. A fitness expert can help you customize these training phases to meet your goals and lifestyle, as well as help you to create programs within each phase to maximize your potential.

A proper warm-up and cool-down is imperative to achieving long term success. Not only does a proper warm-up increase the efficiency and effectiveness of each workout, but also dramatically reduces the risk of injury. A proper warm-up consists of a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes of light cardio, plus 5 to 10 minutes of "active & dynamic" stretches that mimic the movements that will be performed later in the workout or activity. A proper cool-down consists of self-myofascial release using a foam roller, plus 5 to 10 minutes of static and PNF stretches. A fitness professional can help you set up a proper warm-up and cool-down, in addition to a proper flexibility program. Properly warming up and cooling down helps to develop 'functional flexibility'. Functional flexibility is strength and control through an entire range of motion. This is accomplished through active and dynamic stretches, as well as functional strength training using dumbbells or medicine balls, and balance techniques.

Proper form or technique, can be described as executing a movement pattern, whereas the bones, joints, muscles, and nervous system (kinetic chain) support each other to maximize force with minimal stress or shear to the body's structure. Any deviation from this is improper or inefficient form. The most common errors in executing proper form are cheating with momentum, usually by swinging or moving a joint that is not meant to be moved in the desired exercise or by compensating with core instability, and overuse of already developed muscles. Your body naturally looks for the path of least resistance. So when it is performing an exercise, the brain naturally recruits the more developed muscles, while ignoring the weaker muscles. It takes concentration and proper form to recruit the weaker muscles and correct eh imbalances in the muscles. Examples of these are seen in biceps curls when swinging the elbows forward to raise the weight, in lat pull-downs by leaning the torso back to create momentum as you lower the bar, in push-ups by rounding the shoulders forward and arching the back to shorten the range of motion, plus many others. To correct your form, start by slowing the tempo of the movement down, especially during the eccentric phase, and concentrating on the muscles you want to be working during each contraction. You may need to lighten the weight or load to help accomplish this step. Also, focus on stabilizing your core and the first joint removed from the joint involved in the movement. For example, when doing a bicep curl, the shoulder needs to be stabilized, while the elbow joint bends and acts as a hinge during the action. As mentioned above, too often, we see the upper arm swinging back and forth during a bicep curl, which creates momentum and takes away from the efficiency of the exercise. In order to recruit the appropriate muscles in an exercise, you need to know what muscles you are training during a specific exercise, and focus on that particular muscle until you develop the ability to recruit it efficiently. This is called neuromuscular adaptation. With the recruitment of the proper muscles, in addition to proper technique, you body will become more balanced, resulting in more efficient movement patterns and progress towards our goals.

With cardiovascular training, the biggest mistake made, is that people train in the 'fat-burn' zone on a piece of cardiovascular equipment, such as a treadmill, lifecycle, or elliptical trainer. The fat-burn zone is the least efficient caloric expenditure zone of all zones available. The misunderstanding comes in that in more intense zones, you also burn off muscle density. That is remedied easily by including strength training to your workout program. Simply jogging at a moderate speed for three, four, six, or even eight miles per day, three days per week, is not an effective or efficient way to reach your goals. Again, your body adapts to the stress levels, and plateaus after several weeks of similar routines. Additionally, your metabolism slows down with long, extensive cardio programs, and that is why it is important to change your intensity and modify your routines regularly. Try interval training, using multiple formats (stairs, bicycle, running, jump rope, etc...) and multiple levels of intensity. By reaching your anaerobic threshold during cardiovascular training, you also become efficient in muscle building, as well as fat burning. Realize that to lose weight and see actual changes in your body, you will most likely need four to six cardio sessions per week, as opposed to the three recommended by the American Heart Association. This is meant for heart and lung maintenance.

Another critical component to an effective exercise program is Plyometric Training, which is comprised of explosive movements. The key to Plyometric Training is to repeat the movements in slow motion with low impact, in order to learn the correct form and develop a natural feel for the movement pattern. Once you have mastered the movement, then increase intensity and explosiveness. With jumping exercises, develop deceleration of landing before exploding into full jumps. This will help with preventing injuries, as well as help to develop more explosive muscles for higher, longer, faster jumps. Plyometric Training develops the body more completely than other forms of exercise, and is geared towards making you a better athlete.

Lastly, there is proper nutrition, as a major component to an effective program, and poor nutrition as a major reason why many exercisers don't achieve their fitness goals. Food is our source of fuel, and if we feed ourselves improperly, then our bodies will perform accordingly. Depending on your fitness goals, try and align the proper balance of proteins, carbs, and unsaturated fat. We have become a fast-food society, eating highly processed foods, with no regard for what our bodies really want and need. I cannot stress the importance of eating more natural foods that energize our bodies and stimulate our natural healing processes. Most people know what they are supposed to eat, but lack the planning, discipline, and burning desire to really change. With a little planning, it is not as difficult as you may imagine, you can make great strides in your nutritional intake. Several obvious, and not-so-obvious, nutritional tips are: eat lots of vegetables (variety of colors for variety of nutrients) and fruit (be careful with fruits that are extremely high in sugar); eat fish at least three times per week (look for 'wild' or 'organic'); eat plenty of legumes; get at least 30 grams of fiber per day; drink plenty of water; eat slowly and pay attention to when you are no longer hungry - then stop eating; eat organic whenever possible; minimize or eliminate refined sugar; at restaurants, split an entrée, or ask for half of your order to be placed in a "to-go" container before it is brought to the table. Small changes in your eating habits will go a long way.

With the tools to create an effective exercise program, the knowledge to set realistic and excitable goals, and the wisdom to start slow and make fitness a lifestyle, you should be well on your way to making this year different than all the years past; this year will be a successful year... in creating fitness as a lifestyle and enjoying the journey on your roadmap to your ultimate fitness goal (which will most likely change by the time you get to it). Most importantly, have fun with fitness.

A New Year's Fitness Resolution That Will Get You Results!

A New Year's Fitness Resolution That Will Get You Results!

Common new years resolutions always revolve around people wanting to kick off the new year by getting in shape. This is the most common, yet most failed goal of most all Americans. People tell themselves they are going to start eating right and working out, but they don't have a clue as to how to do these things properly and in the most effective way.

As a strength and conditioning specialist I can tell you that one way for you to succeed in achieving your New Year's fitness resolutions is to learn about the ancient art form of kettlebell training. By now you may have heard of the kettlebell and realize that this strength and conditioning device has been around for centuries and has been used by the world's finest athletes and strongmen to forge the most perfect bodies. You see most people have an unhealthy thought process about fitness and this is one of the reasons for the failure of their new years fitness goals. Most people have what I like to call the "health club" mentality when it comes to working out. This is where they think they need to spend the money for a gym membership in order to learn how to use a machine to work a specific body part to get in shape. I have never seen a single person lose any weight from using a machine. The only way to accomplish this is to move your butt! This is why I am a proponent of kettlebell training.

You see the one thing the girevik (kettlebell man or woman) understands is that in order to tame the bell you must learn how to manipulate certain bodily movements rather than targeting specific body parts. Kettlebell training is movement based in nature instead of body part specific. This is what moving your butt is all about! This particular New Year's resolution will certainly help you to burn the fat. Kettlebell training has a history and that history is to be respected. True kettlebell men and women always succeed at their New Year's fitness resolutions. You see just by incorporating the basic kettlebell lifts such as swings, get ups, and snatches into your program you stand to completely transform your fitness and health. Take the time to learn more about this ancient art form.

If you haven't already taken the time to learn about kettlebell training then you are already falling behind for next year. One realistic goal is for you to master the most basic kettlebell lift known as the swing. This is a great start to your New Year's goals. Take the time to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

Fitness Programs / Why Staying Fit Is So Difficult

Why Staying Fit Is So Difficult

An important part of maintaining balance in your life is activity. In today's world of fast-paced information, food, and entertainment, staying physically active is often avoided or overlooked. I have always had an appreciation for fitness, and an understanding of the link between quality of life and my overall health. I have spoken to many people regarding the subject of fitness and the stigmatism that comes with that industry. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements about being fit or getting fit, why we should be fit. For people I speak to it has gotten to the point that they refuse to take part in fitness as a protest, because of all the hype around it.

Now one thing I can appreciate about people starting anything new is that there is a massive discomfort in beginning, or beginning again. Especially with fitness. It has become a multibillion dollar industry and it always seems like just when you think you have a handle on what you are doing they come out with the latest gadget or the new and improved version of an exercise. So how can we keep it all in perspective?

In my earlier article "Four keys to Success" I spoke about vision, being present, inspiration and action. These concepts are important even when looking at fitness. When I have coached people with the issues around fitness these keys are important. Now we all can see ourselves as being fit but this is actually what discourages us also. We see the end result and not the journey. Remember that in life it is about the constant development and achievement, and not just the end result. I have found with most people once they reach a goal they feel a sense of completion. This sense of reaching the finish line creates closure in their minds and they slowly revert back to typical routines. So embrace the success of achieving a result every day. This will help you to stay motivated as you change your habits. Changing beliefs on a deep level takes time so be compassionate.

The other important element in fitness is inspiration. It never ceases to amaze me that people beginning with a fitness routine go it alone. They look for the cheapest facility, and just move from machine to machine without understanding the concepts or how to develop the skill of fitness. If you were to renovate your kitchen, would you just start smashing it apart? Would you let your best friend deliver your baby because you trust them? Would you just pick any financial institution to handle your business transactions, or just buy the cheapest book keeping software to track your expenses?

I often see people use that level of regard for their fitness development, and then quit when they do not see results. Choosing your fitness facility and fitness mentor is as important as choosing any financial advisor. This is not only your hard earned money but your physical well-being. In the past I have interviewed gym managers and personal trainers. I look for people who demonstrate that they want my business. My trainer must align with me and my availability. I focus on a balanced life. That means I do not have 3 hours a day, six days a week to spend at the gym. I also am not training for any fitness competition, or going to the local beach to do a music video while I oil up and play beach volley ball.

My goals are simple. I like to comfortably fit in a size 33 pant. When I go for my annual physical I enjoy my doctor telling me all is well. The trainers I've had in the past understand what I am looking for and how to teach me to get the results I want. Remember, fitness is about health and feeling complete and energetic. It is not about the competition or who look's best on the beach. That's called "Ego" and we can cover that in a later blog if you'd like.

To offer some more help with this take a look at my earlier article"4 keys to Success" and use the keys to plan your new approach to success with health and fitness.

Fitness Gym / Fitness Gyms For The Home

Fitness Gyms For The Home

If you've decided this is the year to get serious about your fitness congratulations are in order. Just making the decision is a great start. But between family, work, and other pressing engagements in an all too busy day when the heck will you ever get to the gym? Have you considered investing in one of the many fitness gyms for the home?

It's really the answer. With just a little help from us we'll show you how to find the perfect fitness equipment for your home. With so many fitness gyms on the market it can be a bit overwhelming trying to figure out which gym is the right one for you. Heck if you do it right you will choose equipment that your entire family could use. Of course if you have a medical condition always check with your doctor first before undergoing a new fitness program.

Just like different commercial fitness gyms have different equipment to offer their members different home gyms also have different equipment to offer. It's a lot easier to stay on track with your fitness program if you know what it is you want out of your work out. You should also figure out what your current fitness level is.

You have treadmills, rowing machines, stationary bikes, cross country ski machines, free weights, and even multi machines to choose from. Home fitness gyms can be as simple or as complex as you want. The only other thing limiting you is your budget.

There's nothing cheap about home fitness gyms. At least not the quality ones and you should never compromise poor quality for a cheap price. A treadmill is always a great buy if you have the room. You can vary your workout, increase the intensity, burn calories and get your cardio workout. Choose a belt driven model that has a safety shut off and that the treadmill itself is wide enough. Make sure you also know what the warranty is.

Home fitness gyms also do well with rowing machines and they offer an all over work out that has minimal impact on joints. Once you get the hang of the rowing machine it is an excellent piece of fitness equipment to have in your repertoire. Stationary bikes have been on the market for ages. The newer ones have a few more bells and whistles but at the end of the day they still do the same basic thing they did back then. Stationary bikes are a great start if you have had a sedentary lifestyle.

Home fitness gyms should always include a set of free weights. They are perfect for sculpting the body. They are affordable, easy to store, and a must for anyone that's serious about their fitness program. You don't burn a lot of calories with free rates but you do get some very nice definition by combining the two types of fitness training.

Knowing what it is you want makes it much easier to look at all the home fitness gyms on the market and then choose what's best for you. You're going to look great!

Fitness Running / How to Start Running: 15 Things You Need to Know

How to Start Running: 15 Things You Need to Know

With more people wanting to lose weight or get in shape, running has exploded in popularity over the past decade with 42 million regular runners, according to a Runners USA report. Running is a great exercise with many benefits including weight loss, strengthening of your cardiovascular system, and increased happiness by relieving stress.

Start running armed with these simple tips-you will build up your running from minutes to miles, whether you're a beginner or getting back in shape.

Set realistic goals.

As a beginner, you should first write down some short term goals that you can easily achieve. Post them on the refrigerator to remind you. They may be as simple as "I will work out for five minutes longer today." Build on these small victories first to get a sense of accomplishment before setting long term goals. Later, as your running progresses, and to challenge yourself, make long term goals that you can conquer. One day you may find yourself running in a 5k, 10k or 13.1 half marathon.

Start with the right shoes.

For a sport that depends on healthy feet, a quality pair of running shoes is the most important gear you will need. Deciding which shoes are right for you can seem overwhelming, but visit a running store where they have specialized personnel trained to analyze your running gait and recommend the best running shoes for your style. A reasonable price for a good pair of running shoes will cost $75-$100. Replace your shoes every 300 to 500 miles.

Get the proper running apparel.

While you don't need to break the bank for running clothes, it is important to buy the right apparel. Cotton t-shirts and shorts will get heavy when they become wet from sweat, which may cause painful chafing to your skin. Invest in running clothes made of 100% polyester or similar synthetic materials that wick away sweat and keep you more comfortable. Women should always wear a supportive sports bra to prevent permanent sagging of their breasts.

Fuel your body.

Running will help you burn 400 calories or more per hour. But in order to get or maintain a fit body, you've got to replace them with healthy food. "Your pre-run snack should be sugar boosting, like a banana, energy bar or energy drink says Coach Edwards. Running on an empty stomach is neither good for your body nor does it make running fun.

Hydrate before you run.

Beginners need to pay attention to what and how much they're drinking before, during and after exercise. Staying hydrated is critical to your running performance and, more importantly, for preventing heat-related illnesses. Drink water often during the day. "The rule of thumb is to multiply your body weight by 0.6 to determine the amount of water in ounces you should consume every day to keep your tissues healthy and injury free," Coach Edwards says. Dehydration in runners may cause fatigue, headaches, decreased coordination, and muscle cramping.

Stretch before and after your run.

Some research suggests that static stretching cold muscles can cause injury. "Loosen up cold muscles with light stretching of your quadriceps, hamstrings and calves to avoid shin splints, hamstring pulls and other common running injuries. Hold each stretch for 15-25 seconds. Add easy jumping jacks, a five minute run, or a brisk walk," says Elizabeth Edwards, a high school track coach and 9 time marathon runner. Cool down the same way to help maintain a healthy range of motion in your joints and prevent tight muscles, which can cause inefficient form and injuries.

Motivational music is cool.

While some runners think music is distracting, many runners believe music provides them an advantage when they pump up their tunes. "Research is mixed on the topic, but I use my music playlist to pace my distance. One day out the week I run without music to focus on my form," says Coach Edwards. Other runners enjoy listening to books, podcasts or motivational speeches to pass the time. Try what works best for you.

Start at a slow pace.

While you may feel you can run a good distance fairly fast, start with 20 to 30 minutes (your body will be surprised at how long it feels!). Don't overdo it. Give your body a chance to adjust to this new activity. Gradually increase your distance with a walk and run plan until your stamina improves. Aim to increase your running by 10 percent each week. You should be able run and to carry on a conversation without being out of breath. As you start to feel stronger, run more and walk less, the distance will naturally increase. This will ultimately help you feel better and stay injury free.

Think about your form.

When starting, it normal to feel awkward during the first few weeks of running, even if you've run in the past and are starting up again. Start every running workout by thinking about good running form; ensure that:

- Head is balanced over your shoulders and focused forward

- Shoulders are relaxed to allow your lungs to expand

- Arms are around 90 degrees and swinging like a pendulum from your shoulders

- Hands are relaxed and not crossing over your belly button as your arms swing

- Hips are under your shoulders and stabilizing your legs as they move under your body

- Feet are landing with short, light, quick strides under your hips

Decide where to run.

If you choose to run on a treadmill, your surface is stable and there are no concerns about the weather. But, like many runners, you may need to step out your front door and run outside for a change of scenery. Running on sidewalks or pathways is generally safe. But if you have to run on the road, run facing traffic so you can react to distracted drivers. Wear bright or reflective clothing to improve visibility, especially before dawn or at dusk. Drivers may not always see you, especially at night. School tracks are ideal places to start running, since they're flat, traffic free, and four laps around most tracks equal one mile. Many tracks are available to the public in the evening or on the weekends.

Running is safe.

Whether you are running near a police station or a near a high crime area, you should always think safety first. You need to be safe on your runs, so you're well enough to run another day. Take the necessary precautions by carrying a cell phone, carry identification with your name and phone number and avoid unlit or isolated areas. Remember to alter or vary your running routes to avoid stalkers. Be extra cautious when wearing headphones because you are less likely to hear a person approach you. Consider running with a friend or a dog. Most importantly, trust your intuition and avoid situations if you're unsure. If you think a situation doesn't feel 'right', run in another direction.

Track your progress.

As you feel stronger, start to measure your run by time and distance. There are easy to use running apps that track your time, distance covered and calories burned. Tracking your running will help keep you motivated and you'll see your progression.

Give it a rest.

Now that you are running, listen to your body. In most cases, expect some muscle aches and soreness for a few days, especially in the quadriceps and calves. Persistent or worsening pains as you walk or run are indicators that you may be pushing too hard. Back off a bit and you'll continue to improve without injury. Rest is necessary for your muscles to repair and become stronger. "Depending on your fitness level, beginning runners should start off resting every other day," according to Edwards.

Reward your efforts.

After a week of workouts, reward yourself for all the hard work with your favorite meal, drink or buy a graphic t-shirt with a running theme to use on your next run. It will motivate you for the upcoming week.

Sign up for a race.

Once you are feeling better about your endurance, sign up for a 5k race. It is great way to add the extra motivational push while giving back to help raise funds for nonprofit organizations of your choice. Sign up is easy online.

Many people either love or hate running. Give running a try, it may change your life. Hopefully, these running tips will get you started and make it fun. But the best tip is to fight through the negative thoughts and continue to push forward. Once you overcome that difficult barrier, the rewards will truly be more satisfying.