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Protein: Building Block Of The Human Body

Protein: Building Block Of The Human Body

Fitness Blender

THE HUMAN BODY NEEDS the regular intake of protein for a number of reasons. Protein helps to build new tissue cells, bone cells, and blood cells; consequently, it's needed in order to make antibodies necessary for fighting illnesses. It's needed to help keep the human heart and other organs healthy. Protein balances the body's energy and metabolism, keeping a natural and healthy BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. It also provides a vehicle for maintaining correct levels of glucose and; therefore, protein stems the tide of high sugar levels and type-2 diabetes. Finally, protein helps your body build and repair muscle.

The most helpful sources of protein include:

· Lean meats such as poultry and fish

· Ova-lacto sources such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and eggs

· Soy

· Protein powder

· Other sources include nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, and tofu


There are several signs indicating that the human body is deficient in protein. Many of them can be attributed to other causes, but don't rule out an improper intake of protein. Those include: loss of muscle and lean body tissue, muscular weakness, chronic pain, susceptibility to infections and impaired healing of wounds, digestive problems, dry skin, dry and brittle hair, brittle nails, and obesity. Mental factors include mood swings, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, and excessive worry. Many of these may have differing or several causes, but never rule out the improper protein intake as at least a contributing cause.


These rules of thumb may vary depending upon age, body type, and size, but generally these are accurate for the average individual. The average adult female needs 53 grams per day and the average adult male needs 63 grams per day. Now, four ounces of steak is about the size of a deck of cards and that size of steak contains 28 grams of protein. Two such serves would provide a woman with her necessary daily intake of protein. Another measure is to ensure that 15 to 30 percent of your daily intake of calories should be from protein. In other words, if you consume 3000 calories per day, approximately 450 to 900 calories should come from protein.


· Add nuts, seeds, and whey or soy powder to your hot oatmeal

· Add protein powder to pancakes or waffles

· Don't skip meals, if you're in a hurry, substitute a protein bar

· Add grilled fish or chicken to your salads

· Add beans and legumes or nuts and seeds to your salads

· Keep cans of tuna and sardines on hand for quick meal substitutes

· Plan your meals in advance when possible

Follow all this helpful information about protein and you'll be well on your way to building a healthy body and an active mind


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